01. August 2024

Synchronising BASIS and eCampus Courses for WiSe 24/25 Synchronising BASIS and eCampus Courses for WiSe 24/25

eCampus Kopplung
eCampus Kopplung © eCampus | Thomas Häpp
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Information for faculty & staff

The synchronization between BASIS and eCampus for the WiSe 2024/25 will be carried out every Friday:

02.08. / 09.08./ 16.08. / 23.08. / 30.08./ 06.09. / 13.09. / 20.09. / 27.09./ 04.10./ 11.10. / 18.10./ ...

and more dates will follow.

Please manually link your BASIS events with eCampus before these dates so that your eCampus courses appear in time for the semester.

↪ An instruction to synchronising

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