Explore a variety of eLearning opportunities and take advantage of our services in the areas of learning platforms, media services, eLectures, and eExams. Contact us easily and conveniently – whether through our hotline, via email, or the contact form.
As students, there is also much to discover: Browse through the "For Students" section and learn how the University of Bonn supports your studies with eLearning.
Our eLearning services are available to you as teacher and staff member of the University of Bonn. We support you in the use of the learning platform in your area of work, with e-exams and digital exams as well as with the use of video in teaching. We help you with the optimal integration of digital media in teaching and learning formats.

eCampus Learning Platform
The central learning platform offers a range of tools for organising and implementing teaching concepts. From supplementing events with digital content and communication to tests and exercises.
Ideas for Digital Teaching
The following collection serves as ideas for integrating digital elements into your teaching. Your students will benefit from the variety and flexibility that digital teaching and learning formats offer.

eExams are digital examinations that are written on-site at the computer. The eKlausur team supports you during the examination process: from making an appointment to taking the eKlausur.

You want to record lectures, talks or seminars and make them available as podcasts or eLectures on the internet or on the learning platform? We support you in planning and implementation.

Media Service
The eCampus Media Service helps you to optimally transfer your existing lecture and seminar materials into a media-compatible and digital form.
We are a team of staff from the University IT and Data Center (Hochschulrechenzentrum, HRZ) and the University and State Library (ULB). We support you with technical and individual advice on using the eCampus services. If you have specific questions about the use of individual eLearning tools or need conceptual advice for your digital teaching: Contact us!
Support & Consultation
Would you like to use eLearning in your teaching, record your lectures or get to know eKlausuren?
Our training offer includes group trainings on specific topics as well as individual offers.
Our instructions make it easier for you to get started with the services and support you in your daily work with eCampus.
Presentation and networking of the various offers and formats to support digital teaching.
New to the University?
A summary of the most important information for your digital start.
Digital Offerings
Various digital services and offerings are an integral part of your everyday study life.
eExam Info Day
You can find out about the premises and the exam software in advance.
FAQs & Tips
To make it easy for you to find your way around, frequently asked questions are briefly answered in a FAQ.
eCampus Support-Hotline
Mo-Fr | 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Tel: +49 228 73-5092
eCampus Team
Your contact persons for the individual areas of our services.
Post and delivery address
c/o Abteilungsbibliothek für Medizin, Naturwissenschaften und Landbau (MNL),
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4,
53115 Bonn, Deutschland