eCampus Services - Learning Platform
The learning platform of the University of Bonn is called "eCampus" and offers the technical requirements of a web-based eLearning infrastructure.
It is available to all members of the University of Bonn and requires access via the personal Uni-ID.

eCampus is based on the ILIAS learning management system and offers a wide range of options for optimally supporting courses, organising online courses, effectively implementing teaching and learning scenarios, as well as ensuring smooth communication with students and promoting self-learning activities. Many of our students are already familiar with eCampus.
Here you can find a brief explanation of basic features, such as access, course creation, and memberships for a trouble-free start. We also provide step-by-step instructions and answers to frequently asked questions in our FAQs.
Also visit the eCampus Confluence area for more information, tips, and important services connected to the learning platform to help you get started with digital teaching.
Enjoy exploring the learning platform!
Access via Uni-ID
The central user ID, also known as Uni-ID, enables access to a variety of university IT services and is provided by the University IT and Data Center (HRZ) for work or study-related activities.
Employees receive the Uni-ID automatically by post. UKB employees, on the other hand, must apply for a Uni-ID themselves.
After receiving the Uni-ID, it must first be activated online.
eCampus Courses
If you need a corresponding eCampus course for your BASIS course, then you or your department administration must manually link (synchronise) your course each semester.
After synchronising BASIS and eCampus, your eCampus courses will be available.
If you need an eCampus course independently from BASIS, we will create it for you.
BASIS and eCampus are two systems that complement each other very well in their functionalities. BASIS handles the management of courses in administrative terms, while the eCampus learning platform provides required content and communication functions.
To link your BASIS course with eCampus, your Uni-ID must be entered in BASIS and you must have the role of lecturer or deparment administrator.
Course Members
In a course, only members have access.
After synchronising a BASIS event with eCampus, the responsible instructors as well as the admitted students are automatically entered as members in the corresponding eCampus course.
Course administrators
The responsible teachers are assigned the role "Course administrators". This role represents the highest authorisation level, which allows instructors to make settings on all levels of a course, create content (objects) and manage participants.
Course tutors
Course tutors have the possibility to set up selected objects and perform actions within the course. However, they cannot edit the rights settings.
Course members
Course members (students) are granted access to and can use the course content. The right to create content is not granted by default.
The responsible teachers (course administrators) have the right to manually add further course members, e.g. student assistants or guest auditors, to the course.
Independent registration of students with a password is also possible.
Auditors and partial cross-registered students who have a University ID can be manually added as course members to the eCampus course by course administrators.
Cologne/Düsseldorf students do not need a Bonn University ID. As soon as you as the course administrator have activated your eCampus course for them, the eCampus course will appear on their own learning platform in Cologne or Düsseldorf. From there, they can access the eCampus course with their own user ID. It is not necessary to add these members manually.
eCampus is available to all university members who have a Uni-ID. You can log in with your Uni-ID, which you received from the HRZ.
You can find all the courses you are a member of in the main menu "Personal Workspace/My Courses and Groups".
Your courses are not all on the dashboard automatically, but once you add your courses to favorites, they will appear on the dashboard.
You can transfer all contents of a course together or only selected contents from an old course to the course of the current semester.
>> Instruction: Transferring course content
Yes, you can only upload files up to 1024 MB in size directly to eCampus.
You can upload your recordings (videos) to eCampus via educast (opencast) regardless of their size.
Should you wish to provide additional files larger than 1024 MB, you may do so via Sciebo. Upload the desired materials to your Sciebo account and share them accordingly.
Please continue to use the "Opencast" item for all your videos and recordings. This method uploads the videos to the eCampus Video Portal, providing you with additional features and even more storage capacity. For example, you can limit video access to streaming only, display camera and presentation as synchronized separate video sources, grant access to external persons, or integrate them into interactive elements such as H5P objects.
Deleting courses is only possible via eCampus support and cannot be done by yourself.
However, you can take your course offline. This has the consequence that the course is no longer visible and accessible for members without administrator rights (i.e. usually students).
Please note that the BASIS-dependent courses are only stored on eCampus for 6 semesters, all older courses are successively deleted. This only affects BASIS-dependent courses that can be found under "Repository > Courses".
BASIS-independent courses and groups under "Repository > Institutions" will not be deleted.

The learning platform enables the creation and organization of online courses and groups, facilitates access to digital learning content and provides the opportunity for interaction between teachers and learners. In addition, online tests and surveys can be conducted. eCampus promotes collaborative learning, opens up opportunities for time- and location-independent studying, and provides a platform for communication and exchange within the digital learning environment through the connection with sciebo (university cloud).
eCampus Notifications
eCampus notifications are an effective way to facilitate the exchange of information and improve communication in the learning environment.
If you as a course administrator send a notification to your students (course members), they will receive it via eCampus as well as via the university mail.
The timeline feature in eCampus provides an innovative way to organize and display events chronologically.
By using an interactive timeline, you can visually display the progression of events or topics. Thus, students can get a clear overview of the chronological progression of a course, project, or workgroup.
Students from Cologne/Düsseldorf
At the University of Bonn, students from Cologne and Düsseldorf are increasingly taking part in courses. At the same time, Bonn students are participating in courses at the University of Cologne and Heinrich Heine University (HHU) Düsseldorf.
If you wish, you can link your eCampus course to the learning platform in Cologne or Düsseldorf by activating it for this possibility.
On eCampus you will find released courses from the learning platforms of the University of Cologne as well as the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf.
Allocation of Presentations
With eCampus you can quickly and easily allocate presentation with the booking object. The instructor creates a booking object for a presentation topic, which can then be booked by the student.
The advantage of the booking object is that you as the instructor can release the topics at a certain time and the students can then book their topics themselves. You can see at any time who has booked which topic.
You can also use the booking pool to manage your consultation hours or the allocation of equipment.
Extending Rights for Your Students
The extension of rights gives students more autonomy and freedom of action in their learning process. This enables them not only to access learning materials, but also to actively participate in course events. Students can now increasingly create their own content, post in forums, organize group work, and actively participate in discussions.
Online Tests & Quizzes
The uses of online tests in eCampus enrich learning in a variety of ways - from knowledge verification to customisation to individual learning needs and promotion of active self-studies. You can quickly and easily create tests that cover the current subject matter. Various question types such as multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank texts, matching exercises, and open questions provide the opportunity to cover different aspects of knowledge. Thanks to immediate feedback, targeted learning is supported.
Collecting Assignments
Using the exercise object in eCampus is an effective method for collecting work and promotes a smooth process for submitting assignments.
The exercise object allows instructors to provide targeted exercises and assignments for students. Students can upload their solutions directly in this context, ensuring a structured collection of submitted work.
You can also use peer feedback in a time-saving and straightforward way in your groups with this tool.
Learning Modules
The ILIAS learning modules allow you to present learning content in structured and modular formats. These modules are also ideal for supporting
self-studies. Here, questions, different media or H5P elements can be seamlessly integrated into the modules to enrich the learning experience.
HTML and SCORM learning modules created with an external authoring tool can also be integrated into your eCampus course.
These elements include various interactive formats, such as quizzes, drag-and-drop exercises, interactive videos, presentations, and more.
Designing Your Courses
eCampus courses can be individually structured and designed. A clear and appealing learning space structure can increase motivation and helps learners to find their way around.
In addition to eCampus objects, such as folders, sessions, item groups, and learning sequences, you can also use some page elements, such as sections, accordions, and column layouts, to achieve effective structuring.
By using item groups and a column layouts, content can be arranged flexibly. An accordion enables a clearer presentation of information and topics. Additionally, there is the option to activate the tile view via the settings.
LiveVoting & LiveEditor
With the help of LiveVoting, you can conduct short polls among your students during a course. Participants can access and answer the poll via a QR code or a short URL with their own mobile device.
The LiveEditor "Etherpad" makes it possible to work together and simultaneously on a text and thus, master the introduction to collaborative writing.
Support & Tainings
Dr. Mojdeh Behzadi
Tel: +49 228 73-7526
System Administration
Carsten Kozianka
Tel: +49 228 73-4544